Pergolas builder Port Jefferson

Dos And Don’ts Of Building A Pergola

If you want to add something to your backyard, and it has to be something that stands out and is also practical, then a pergola can be an amazing fit. It can turn any space into living space. However, you need to carefully plan and build a pergola and have it built with the help of pergola contractors to make sure that its durable, safe, and beautiful. So, remember these dos and don’ts.

Dos And Don’ts Of Pergola Building

Do Think About The Roof

You need to think about the top of the pergola. The roof of the pergola is probably the most important bit to go over because you want to decide whether you want it to be a slotted roof, a full-on roof with shelter, or a sloped roof surface. Usually, sloped roofs are great, because they not only provide shelter, but they also let the water fall down naturally without accumulating on top and weighing the roof down.

Slotted roofs are better than no roof, but they’re also better if they’re sloped, because it is going to create a wonderful design as well as a practical pergola that you can use as a temporary shelter. So, you should consider the roof of the pergola and make it as functional as possible, otherwise, it will just be a waste of space and it may be more of a problem than a convenience.

Don’t Underestimate The Ground

The ground on which the pergola will stand is also important to consider. It is the basic foundation of the pergola and it needs to be sturdy. First of all, you want to check whether the ground is consolidated or not. It should be packed, but not too hard either otherwise the pergola poles won’t fit into the holes you made.

Next, you also want to ensure that the integrity of the ground is stable. You don’t want to install a pergola and then have it slip and slide just because of the ground not being strong enough to hold the structure in place.

Do Consider Sidings

Next up comes the question of having screens and sidings on the pergola. Usually, a pergola is a structure that has four to six poles, and a roof on top. There might or might not be sidings or screens surrounding the pergola. Now, that is up to personal preference.

You can either have screens or sidings on the pergola or you can omit them. Having screens will enclose the pergola and make it safer, so you can turn it into a room of sorts. But some want the pergola to be open and just a simple structure, so that is something that you need to decide.

Don’t Just Wing It

If you already have a deck or patio and you want to install a pergola on top of it, then it won’t be as simple. You need to get the full scope of things and how the pergola will fit into this scenario. This is why you should never just go with the flow and stack a pergola on top of a patio or deck.

There is a different strategy that is employed in this process, so you want to make sure that you’re not doing anything on a whim. This will only cause more problems. So, always consult a professional first and then go forward.

Do Consider Getting Permits

This is also really important and you want to be careful when building a pergola. You need permission to build or install anything in your house or even outside it. You need a permit from your local building authorities to ensure that your construction or structure won’t hinder anything else, so that is something that you need to do before you even think about building a pergola.

It will save you from unwanted trouble and you won’t find yourself surrounded by lawsuits from your neighbors.

Don’t Do It By Yourself

If you’re not confident in your building and construction skills, then it’s better if you don’t install a pergola by yourself. This is only going to cause more problems for you than anything. If you’ve never done outdoor work before then starting things off with a pergola isn’t going to be the best of decisions.

This is why it’s always important to gauge your skills first and then make the decision of DIYing a pergola or getting it installed professionally. This will help you out in the long run and you won’t make any mistakes along the way.

Do Keep Inventory Of Materials

This is something that you will go through when you’re in the planning phase, but it is also important to keep track of the materials you’re using when you’re in the building phase of a pergola.

There can be things you’ll run out of and instead of waiting till that dreadful moment, you want to immediately stock up on things so that the installation isn’t halted. This is going to be a lifesaver for you and you’ll thank yourself for thinking ahead of time. So, always keep an eye on the inventory and you’ll be good to go.

Don’t Just Choose Any Design

When it comes to the design of the pergola, it’s really important to go over this detail as well. A lot of the time, you’ll just go with a random design and call it a day. But a design is more than just beauty. A design should also be practical and it should be functional as well.

Part of how a pergola is designed is based on the functionality of the structure. So, when you think of designs this way, then you want to carefully go over these details because there is a lot you can mess up here.

Do Keep Support In Mind

The only thing – or things – keeping the pergola upright are the poles in the ground. They’re also known as supports and when you’re installing a pergola, you need to think hard about the prep of the support and where they will go in the ground. A pole isn’t just wedged into the ground. A hole is made and prepared first with cement and other things to ensure its integrity and that’s how a pergola is erected from the ground up.

So, supports are really important because they’re the things holding the pergola together, so keep this in mind when you’re installing a pergola.

Don’t Be Hasty

It’s easy to give in to the temptation of wrapping things up fast. Let’s be real – no one likes construction and the whole process is tedious and tiring. So, you naturally want it to end fast. But, with pergolas, you want to take your time, because one slip-up can lead to major problems.

This is why you want to let the workers do their thing and let the process take its sweet time. It will get wrapped up in no time and you’ll be thankful for not intervening.


Building a pergola may sound easy, but there are a lot of things that go into building one and you don’t want to make any mistakes, so these things are good to know. To avoid any mistakes and flaws, hire pergola builders Port Jefferson for the project.

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