Pergolas builder Port Jefferson

Do I Need To Replace My Pergola? 10 Signs To Look For

Pergolas are beautiful additions to the patio, deck, or yard of any house. But, over time, they can get old too and become a hazard if not replaced. But how do you know it’s time to replace it and hire a pergola contractor for building a new one? Let’s know!

Signs To Replace Your Pergola With New One

Here are some obvious and some not-so-obvious signs to remove your old pergola.

The Material Is Withering

This is common with pergolas made out of wood or any other natural material because you will see for yourself when the pergola starts to wither away.

Now, even though there might not be any problem with the actual structure of the pergola when you look closer, you will see just how damaged the pergola is. There will be flakes of material withering away when you touch the material. It will feel loose and crumbly as though it is about to collapse anytime soon.

So, if that is something you’re noticing, then you need to replace the pergola right away because one strong gust of wind can topple the whole thing, especially if there is unidentified structural damage to it as well. You don’t want to risk anything and get the pergola replaced, because if it falls, it can even cause injuries if sometime is under it at that time.

There Is Structural Damage

The next common thing that can tell you that a pergola is old and in dire need of be removed or rebuilt is the structural damage inflicted on the pergola. Structural damage can be of any kind. It can either be damage to the roof, or to the foundation of the pergola, and it can also be due to the loosening of the poles of the pergola.

Everything and anything can happen especially if a pergola is old and you want to replace it immediately before it falls over and things get worse for you. You don’t want the pergola to turn into a falling hazard.

The Roof Is Not Stable

The roof of the pergola is also an important thing inspect regularly especially if it is very old and it needs to be replaced. The roof of a pergola is very different from the roof of your house. It is not as strong and it has slots in it, so there’s no protection against the rain and sun.

If your roof is unstable and tends to sway in strong winds, then you need to think about replacing it because it will only be better for you in the end. In case the pergola is newer and only a few of the slots were damaged due to hail or a storm, then you can simply get the roof repaired.

You Can See The Wear And Tear

If you see the pergola, you can tell that it needs replacement. Sometimes, seeing things for face value is enough to figure out whether the pergola needs replacement or not. This is why you need to understand that the look of the pergola can give a lot of things away too.

If the pergola is looking a little worse for wear and it is just not looking good, then it probably means that a fresh lick of paint or repair isn’t going to cut it anymore. It’s important to inspect the pergola for wear and tear so you know when to replace it.

Weather Damage

Since the pergola is an outdoor structure, you know what that means. It’s always under constant threat of being damaged by the weather. Whether it be strong winds, torrential downpours, or even the blazing sun, you can’t expect the pergola to remain in perfect condition all the time.

This is why you need to look out for signs of obvious damage to the pergola, especially after heavy rains or storms. If your backyard has a lot of trees and some have fallen over, make sure that you inspect the pergola, other structures in your backyard, and your house for damages.

Insect Damage

As you already know, wooden pergolas are prone to insect damage and termites and pests are the main culprits. Wooden pergolas can fall victim to termite infestation very easily. All they need is a bit of moisture and the pergola can go from beautiful to damaged within days and you don’t want that.

If the infestation is extensive, you will have no other option than to replace the pergola and if you have a deck, you will need to inspect it as well for damage.

So, if you see that termites have eaten the wood away and there is nothing you can do, it’s better to replace the pergola to prevent damage to other parts of your backyard and house.

It’s Been Too Long

Even if the pergola doesn’t have any obvious signs of damage that still doesn’t mean it won’t ever need to be replaced. Sometimes, time can play an important role in the deterioration of the pergola. If the pergola is old like 20 to 25 years old, then you need to consider tearing it down and rebuilding it with new materials.

You never know when a pergola can topple over and cause even more damage, so before things get to this stage, you want to ensure that you’re doing what you can to make yourself and your surroundings safe.

Excessive Beam Arching

This can be a problem if your pergola is not properly built by the contractor or the homeowners if DIYed. The posts of the pergola are too far away from each other and the roof of the pergola, also known as the beam, can arch or bend downward and this can be a huge issue.

Over time, the arch will keep sagging and can lead to the roof collapsing at some point of time and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of the impact.

It’s Shaky

Sometimes, you can tell that something is wrong with the integrity of the pergola when it shakes too much. Sometimes, the wind can shake it but other times, even you can jolt it around and it will sway from side to side.

This is not good and it indicates that the pergola posts are not flush in the ground and that is what’s causing the pergola to shake. This can turn dangerous quickly and you want to get to the bottom of the issue before something bad happens.

Rotting Of The Pergola

Fungus is also a very crucial sign that shows that the pergola is rotting away. If you have a wooden pergola, then you need to look out for fungus infestation because that can happen when the climate is moist and humid.

This is bad because fungus weakens the material from the inside and it’s only a matter of time before the pergola rots away completely before toppling off. You don’t want that, so it’s better to keep an eye out for problems like these and seal your pergola regularly.


Pergolas are amazing but they are not impervious to damage. At some point, they will need to be replaced. You can also hire a pergola builder Port Jefferson to inspect your pergola if you’re not sure whether you should repair it or replace it.

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